Writers need to be careful when referencing works in popular culture, particularly if those works are relatively obscure, and the sentence/paragraph relies heavily on the reader to understand the reference to get the point. Fiction is relatively timeless. We can pick up a work by Chaucer and understand most of it, once we get around the changes in the language. Imagine if Chaucer filled his work with references to post-plague troubador bands of the day. Nobody after the 15thcentury would get it. Dante, however, populated his Inferno with his personal and political enemies, who would have been long forgotten except for their eternal condemnation on the pages of his masterpiece. Sometimes literature outlasts popular culture, so if you want someone to roast in eternal hell, you can give them a start in the pages of your novel. If the reader's understanding of the scene isn't contingent on knowing the cultural reference, you too can roast your enemies forever, or pay eternal tribute to that obscure garage band you've always loved.